That's what folk dance means to us:
We from Geseke primarily dance Low German and Westphalian folk dances, as well as the so-called youth dances. Typical Low German dances originate from the entire north of Germany, from the Dutch border to East Prussia and also include the Westphalian region. We always endeavour to stick to the "ancient" dance descriptions in order to preserve the tradition of the dances. You can read about our repertoire in the section of the same name. We are also happy to pass on dance descriptions and sheet music.
Special dances of our folk dance group are the Geseke home dances "Kegel", "Tampee" and "Eccosaise", which are an annual highlight at the St. Sebastian Schützenfest and which we practise regularly before the Geseke Schützenfest together with the people of Geseke and especially the Schützen.
What would folk dancing be without music? Whether children's or adult group - we prefer to dance to live music, even on our practice afternoons or evenings. We are usually accompanied by several accordion players. Our main musical line-up also includes a guitar and a flute. On special occasions (e.g. on our last trip abroad) we are supported by recorders, a clarinet, a violin or another guitar. Musicians are rare, so anyone who enjoys making music and folk dancing is welcome to contact us!